An online, ongoing stream of consciousness description of the life Abner and Steven are leading in Asheville.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I am a little embarrassed at the amount of time that has passed since I posted anything here, but I have been busy with many things in a quiet summer. Abner and I still go on our walks whenever the weather permits. If it gets hot and muggy we head up to higher altitude. These first 4 shots though are from Biltmore on days when it wasn't too bad. These bizarre water lily-type flowers that look like trays are quite amazing. The angus cattle are quite fascinated by Abner and usually either watch us go by or saunter over to the fence to get a good look or touch noses with him. . .very cute. I have gotten to where I kind of like these critters. They don't seem particularly smart but are kind of sweet. This spider web just amazed me. The day I found it in the woods on the estate, we stumbled across several others just like it. These are quite large and geometrically perfect. This one was about 2 feet across with it's owner exactly in the middle, waiting for lunch.
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