On a hike I did with Matt and Amy and the dogs, we came across 5 or 6 monumentally stupid college age guys with a little too much testosterone, who had decided to drive their jeep up the Laurel Creek Gorge hiking trail. The trail is narrow. . .some spots are barely 18 inches wide, and it is strictly for pedestrians and bicyclists. When we met them the first time they were more than a mile in, with nowhere to turn around and a big downed tree and boulder blocking their way. They apparently moved enough to continue but we then saw them on foot later. This was where they had to leave their Jeep. This is so illegal that we were amazed that anyone would try such a stupid stunt. When we found the car, it was on a 45 degree angle, leaking gas, and wedged in between some boulders with no way to move it anywhere.

The shot above is some of the damage they caused driving through lush growth of rhododendron and smaller more delicate plants. What a bunch of idiots.
No photos showing. What happened??
Miss you're great pics!!
Can't imagine what happened but it took almost 3 hours of editing to do it the first time so filling these in manually could take awhile.
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