Goose families now abound at the lagoon. Sometimes these groups (gaggles of geese and goslings, I guess
) practically refuse to move off the road so the cars exiting the estate after their occupants have toured the house end up stopped, usually with cameras hanging out windows, until they waddled ever so slowly back to the lagoon side of the road. The babies are getting a lot bigger now and are starting to really look like mature geese. They still are more blandly marked than the adults and are smaller but feathers are now mature and they look pretty well fed.
More flowers or weeds I can't identify.
I had to transact a little bidness with some people in the stockroom which is in the sub-basement of the house and is accessed from an area not open to the public. Since Abner and I barely constitute the public at the estate any more, this wasn't particularly difficult. In any case, in the process, we ended up behind the house in an area we had never been to and I shot a couple shots from this interesting and impressive angle.

More flowers or weeds I can't identify.

I had to transact a little bidness with some people in the stockroom which is in the sub-basement of the house and is accessed from an area not open to the public. Since Abner and I barely constitute the public at the estate any more, this wasn't particularly difficult. In any case, in the process, we ended up behind the house in an area we had never been to and I shot a couple shots from this interesting and impressive angle.

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